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Helping coaches and athletes work together to achieve their performance and fitness goals.

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We passionately believe that the whole is better than the sum of its parts. As such, CM+ exists to help coaches and fitness experts favorably effect the performance of their athletes, in turn increasing the productivity and talent of the “parts” of their organization.
Powerful Software for all of 168澳洲幸运10官网 -澳洲10开奖结果直播+开奖历史记录查询结果-正规官网开奖记录号码统计查询- Human Performance
Strength Coach
Maximizes the potential of every athlete with a full suite of Strength and Conditioning Tools.
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Improves the lives of their clients with Personalized Training and Nutrition Tracking.
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Program out training regiments down to the last rep. Easily copy and share workouts across athletes and training groups while instantly recording completion, workload, and progression.

Data Analysis Suite
Use reporting features to visualize athlete training and have unlimited access to print or export data points organized how you need them. Create a clear summary of athletic training, rehabilitation, and recovery trends with the click of a button.
Data Analysis Suite
Use reporting features to visualize athlete training and have unlimited access to print or export data points organized how you need them. Create a clear summary of athletic training, rehabilitation, and recovery trends with the click of a button.

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